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Reduce Employee Stress With An Elevated Financial Wellbeing Program


An Engaging & Robust Solution

Personal finances are one of the biggest stressors facing your employees today. The global pandemic hurt many American's finances, inflation is soaring, and student loan debt is debilitating. Your employees are losing sleep and productivity worrying about and dealing with financial struggles.

You know you need financial wellness as part of your benefits package, and with BCC & Pathwise, you can deliver an engaging and robust solution right from the BenXcel platform, saving your HR team valuable time and resources.

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Fully-Integrated Financial Wellness Enhances Your Benefit Package

The Pathwise Group suite of services augments your company’s current benefit offerings and enhances the overall package provided to employees. Through on-going education, personalized support, and valuable insights for your HR Team, this fully-integrated  solution means you’re delivering financial wellness to all employees at pivotal moments, all directly from your existing BenXcel system.

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An Easy Process Means A Great Employee Experience.


The process for employees is simple.



Step 1


Employees complete a 3 – 5 minute assessment within the BenXcel platform

Step 2


The software analyzes an employee’s unique financial situation and immediately gives them a financial wellness score with a simple red, yellow, green rating.

Step 2

Step 3


From there, employees have the opportunity to book a complimentary meeting with a personal financial planner where they get one-on-one support.

Step 4


The system automatically sets users up with the right financial planner based on the needs identified in their assessment.

Step 4

Step 5


Employees receive on-going, year-round education and support that fills in gaps, drives engagement with your benefits package, and delivers the personalized guidance they need for financial security.


Enhance Benefits, Increase Engagement & Support Training, All While Saving HR Time

Deliver a year-round financial wellness program to your employees, without adding more work to HR’s plate. With BCC’s integration with Pathwise Financial Wellness, you can:


Easily reach all employees, regardless of location or shift.

Your employees already access your ben admin system at least once a year. Adding financial wellness into your existing BenXcel platform means you can reach your entire company and discover what financial support employees need.


Support employees during the moments that matter like promotions & life events.

Qualifying events like a new job, spouse, baby, and more mean your employees are accessing your ben admin system. These are the same times that impact an individual’s personal finances. Target personal financial training and support to your employees at the times they need it most.


Deliver complete financial wellness support to employees, not just retirement.

Go beyond retirement and offer employees holistic financial support that includes income planning, investment planning, tax planning, healthcare planning, estate planning, and more.


Gain valuable insights to make smarter training & benefits decisions.

You get aggregate data about your employees’ financial health, where they need support, and uncover gaps in current benefit offerings. Drill-down by location, shift, industry, and more.


Save time by offering an employee benefit and training all at the same time.

Set it and forget it. Your employees get a robust financial wellness program that essentially runs itself, without the need for HR to source, schedule, and set-up financial wellness trainings for employees.


Fill in any gaps your benefits package may have.

If it’s determined that an employee needs a voluntary benefit for financial security that your plan doesn’t currently offer, the Pathwise advisor will assist employees in finding and securing that coverage.

Industry-First Integration

Peanut butter & jelly, Batman & Robin, Lucy & Ethel. Some things just belong together. Pathwise Group’s SAGE Financial Wellness Program and BCC’s BenXcel system are two such matches. You can provide a consistent and seamless financial wellness experience for your employees through this single sign-on integration.

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Why Choose an Independent Provider?

Not all financial wellness programs are created equal. Many times programs offered through free resources or retirement plans only address one of the five areas of personal finance. And that’s a huge gap. With an independent provider like Pathwise, employees get holistic financial support.

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