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How Brokers Can Stand Out with Benefits Technology

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As renewal season approaches, brokers need a competitive edge to win clients beyond just negotiating affordable rates. One key differentiator is offering solutions that enhance benefits administration efficiency through technology like BCC's benefits enrollment and eligibility platform.

Employers look to their broker for more than just coverages. They need a broker acting as a partner who understands how to support their entire benefits strategy from offering the right plans and programs, to administrating those plans through a streamlined process. According to this article from BenefitsPro,  Many HR Teams struggle with:

  • Manual data entry across separate systems
  • Using general HR software not built for the complexities of benefits, or for the complexities of their benefits program
  • Getting access to useful data insights
  • Not having a self-service option for their employees during open enrollment

Brokers are uniquely positioned to help their clients solve more than benefits coverages. You can deliver efficiencies, time savings, and strategies to help them better administer plans with employees. 

Save Your Clients Time

BCC's platform solves these issues by consolidating all disparate eligibility rules and formulas for each coverage into a single system. This eliminates redundant data entry and ensures consistent application of eligibility across all plans. With automated eligibility determination and carrier communication, BCC helps HR teams save significant time on benefits administration.

On-Demand Data & Insights

The right benefits technology provides solutions engineered around the unique needs of benefits management. BCC's software delivers robust analytics to optimize plan design and decision support tools that improve employee understanding and enrollment engagement.

Return On Investment (ROI) and Value on Investment (VOI)

While new technology requires upfront investment, the return comes from long-term savings on administrative bloat, fewer errors, and higher employee satisfaction leading to better plan participation. Less time spent on manual, administrative tasks open your clients up to more meaningful and fulfilling work. That's powerful value. 

Support for You as a Broker

Brokers don't need to be tech experts themselves but can leverage BCC as a strategic benefits technology partner. BCC is here to consult with brokers to assess client needs, configure and deploy the right solution, and provide ongoing training and support. This empowers brokers to solve clients' administrative pain points through technology that consolidates eligibility rules and streamlines processes - a key differentiator for winning more business.

Learn more about how BCC is here to simplify the benefits enrollment experience.

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